Keep your employees up to date by uploading relevant news and information directly to the news feed. This way, everyone stays informed and engaged, and feels connected.
Customize the Kibi Connect App to fit the specific needs of your company. Whether it's design or rights management, customize everything to perfectly match your company culture and the requirements of your employees.
Chat function:
Promote fast and uncomplicated exchange among employees with Kibi Connect's integrated chat function. This shortens communication paths and strengthens cooperation.
Enable your employees to organize themselves into groups – be it by hobbies, projects, or departments. This creates a sense of belonging and enhanced team spirit that effectively supports collaboration.
Provide important files and documents for your employees, so they can access them anytime. Whether in the office, from home, or on the go – with Kibi Connect, all information is always at your fingertips.
Enterprise wiki
Enable your employees to easily share and organize knowledge. Employees can create, edit, and search entries, leading to effective distribution and utilization of knowledge throughout the company. The wiki serves as a central location for manuals, guides, best practices, and other important resources to help employees perform their tasks more efficiently and continue learning continuously.
Ermögliche deinen Mitarbeitern, ihre Meinung zu äußern und an Entscheidungen teilzuhaben, indem du Umfragen erstellst. Dies fördert nicht nur die Partizipation, sondern auch das Gefühl der Mitarbeiter, gehört und geschätzt zu werden.